Dear GISC Community,
The first snow has fallen; parents and teachers are meeting to discuss the growth of our students – and then the first weeklong vacation break of this school year is upon us. I wish all of us time filled with family and friends, and maybe also a bit of reflection time to consider all the circumstances that are “good” in our lives. And if we discover what is “good,” we can take a moment to express our gratitude.
I have purposefully chosen the word “good” rather than superlative word choices such as “excellent,” “spectacular,” or even “better and best.” Over the past few years, I have noted that all of us are questioning whether “good” is sufficient – is this or that good enough or is she or he or are they good enough – and, that in turn, leads to reflection of whether we, ourselves, are good enough. The pressure we produce for ourselves and each other is…..well…..not good.
The beauty of Thanksgiving is that it provides a pause when we can recognize the “good” in our everyday experiences and not always the Instagram-moment. And it turns out that the everyday experiences are the moments that endure and help us understand what truly matters.
In this spirit, I would like to share a few gratitude statements I have received from my colleagues – their reflections are about community, work (students and colleagues), kindness, and family and friends. In featuring these gratitude statements, I want to thank our faculty and staff for their tireless efforts on behalf of our students.
1st grade Teacher Stefan Karner, who with his wife this year celebrated the birth of their first son, Emil, shared the following: “I am celebrating the first holidays with my son this year and I am very thankful to be part of GISC to also introduce him to typical German celebrations like “Laternenfest”, “Nikolaus” or “Oktoberfest”. Without this community it wouldn’t be possible to share these experiences with him.”
Our Head of the German Department Ulf Hennig reflected: “I am grateful for the support that our community offered when my husband was seriously ill last month. Thank you!”
Our Counselor Marigona Rommel-Kastrati adds this: “This Thanksgiving, I’m deeply thankful for the experiences and lessons from working at GISC, the support of colleagues, and the chance to make a difference for our students. Each experience, learning and connection has added to my journey.”
2nd grade Teacher Laura Eddelbuettel: “I am grateful for all the genuine moments I get to spend with the students, watching them grow into wiser versions of themselves, learning from them, connecting with families, and being able to build community at GISC.”
Vorschule Teacher Anna Lena Herr: “I am truly thankful for every new experience, every person I meet, and every new memory I create, both inside and outside of GISC.”
English Teacher Edwin Rozic (and occasional resident philosopher): “I am thankful for the international community at GISC and the constant gift of perspective it provides.”
Music and French Teacher Youssef Zair: “I am so grateful for every single one of my students because their curiosity, enthusiasm, and willingness to learn make coming to class a joy.”
2nd grade Teacher Dominique Ruscheinsky: “I am thankful for the wonderful GISC community I was welcomed into this school year. It is truly amazing working together with so many motivated students and coworkers.”
Librarian Nina Guhr: “I am thankful to be part of such a positive and supportive international community that allows me to work with a magical team and meet wonderful families.”
In closing, I share with you how gratitude is a twice-blessed quality. 2nd grade student Sophia Burcheri handed me with a beaming smile a simple turkey note that had preprinted in German language the words “I am grateful for you, because… and here the handwritten part… you are always there for us….”
What she shared with me was heartwarming and truly represented the best moment of the day for me. The message is twice-blessed - Sophia took joy in giving the message; I received it with joy, and we had a brief hug.
It’s simple: Take the time this Thanksgiving to express your gratitude to those around you.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Ben Hebebrand
GISC Director